Why to Purchase Fair Trade Gifts this Holiday Season?

This Blog post has been written in collaboration with: Lily Quiroga & Hannah Larson. 

Fair Trade Impacts Graphic: Adit Shetty. Thank you so much!

What is Fair Trade?

Fair Trade (Fairtrade trademark) is a movement to improve living and working conditions for producers, farmers and suppliers in developing countries. A trade is a fair trade when producers are paid a fair price for their work, based on dialogue, transparency, and respect. Watch video if you want to learn more about Fair Trade.

Fair Trade Principles

fair trade principles and standards

(photo taken from WFTO website)

Why is Fair Trade important?

By purchasing products from fair trade businesses, you are taking steps to change the living conditions for many communities around the world.
Fairtrade businesses pay a fair and sustainable wage to producers and farmers, which allow them to pay for items and services to live a comfortable life. The fairtrade movement provides a ‘fairtrade premium’ to communities in developing countries, which grants them the opportunity to upgrade infrastructure by building hospitals, schools, as well as update their workplace tools and facilities.
Fair trade seeks greater equity in international trade. Further, it contributes to sustainable development by protecting workers rights, improving their livelihoods, and protecting the environment by following environmental standards.

Fair Trade Holiday Shopping

As the holiday season approaches, many people have started to wonder if there are ways to make the season more ethical and meaningful; not only for their loved ones, but for people around the world.
Find 5 reasons why buying Fair Trade is the most conscious and sustainable gift choice.
  • Provides opportunity for consumers to purchase quality products, while providing support for businesses and producers in different parts of the world that otherwise would lack of sufficient business for their livelihoods.
  • Offers high level of transparency and traceability in the global supply chains to protect workers and the environment.
  • Improve workers’ livelihoods by guaranteeing a minimum price and protecting their rights.
  • Provide opportunities to producers and makers in developing countries to reach a larger market.
  • Improve international trade and help reduce wealth disparity around the world.

At IndiArts Collective, we function at a Fair-Trade standard. Artisans, producers, and all others involved in creating, distributing, and selling our products are treated fairly and with respect. The product creators are given credit for their work and are paid their asking price as we recognize their time and work worth, while creating sustainable trade relationships in the process. Our featured handmade products showcase the talent of over 30 families of South American artisans to the global market, helping them support their families, continue with their traditional handcraft that is crucial for their culture and improve their quality of living.

Additionally, at the end of every year, we donate 5% of our sales back to our artisans. In 2020 & 2021 we also donated 10% of all sales of November & December back to our Wayuu and Embera Indigenous artisans as they keep struggling a lot due to the pandemic.


valentina pinzon, the owner of indiarts buying directly from wayuu artisan

 (Valentina, owner of Indiarts buying directly from a Wayuu artisan in La Guajira, Colombia)


 Shopping local and with small businesses during COVID-19

In the midst of a global pandemic, it is more important than ever to support small businesses and shop local where you can. By supporting Fair trade you not only support your local community, but you are also giving back to individuals around the globe who are struggling along with us in this pandemic. Another benefit of shopping locally is that your money is being invested back into the community rather than going to other provinces or countries.



https://rdcu.be/b5Upz (This is the article the citation is from) 



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